Member Since August 1, 2021


Member Since August 1, 2021

Teena Broumand

Teena Broumand

Proudly serving veterans from

NMLS 1149844

DRE 1954738

Teena is licensed in:


Teena Broumand

Hi! I’m Mortgage Broker Teena and VA loans are my jam

My dad, AKA: Toad, was a ruff and grumbly Harley Davidson riding, Vietnam Veteran. He was a hard working man that held the values from his time of service close to heart and never achieved his dream of homeownership.

I serve in his honor and hope to change that course for others.

The power of the VA loan program is phenomenal — it can be a source of housing security, the spark for creating generational wealth, or a key asset in your portfolio. The earned entitlement benefits allow for no down payment and typically lower rates than available elsewhere.

If you are PCS’ing, or ETS’ing…or if you just need help devising a plan for YOUR path to homeownership, give me a call – I am here to serve those who have served us.

About Teena's VVA Rank

VVA4s are the professionals have earned this rank with time in service as well as exceeding minimum performance standards of VVA3. They have served a minimum of six months as a VVA3, met all performance metrics, and continued to submit their accountability tracking on time regularly. They will answer every question perfectly in accordance with the VA Lender Handbook guidelines, VA resources and, not just one lender's overlays. During these 6 months we are testing their hearts and minds. They will be the embodiment of our institutional core values of honor, courage, and commitment. We want to see the best showing up in VVA4; we want to see how they engage you, respond to your direct questions, and respond to questions that could benefit them but they will never take an individual position to gain through solicitation. We aim to achieve the change we want to find for you and protect you as a Veteran and Active Service Member. Changing the hearts and minds of those helping you is the only authentic way to make a difference. No regulation or rules will help because people are still the same in trying to find easy ways around rules. VVA4 are there to serve you because you serve our Country.

At VVA4 the professional will be eligible to serve as a Squad Leader. This challenge is to begin training peer to peer leadership in a unique way. These peers are not employees, they are not subordinates, they are unique peers that choose to follow and whose leadership must be earned. The minimum time spent in VVA4 will be approximately 1 year.