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Located in Alabama
Ben Tamburello
NMLS ID 2468433
United States Marine Corps Veteran, Naval Academy Alumni. Here to make sure you maximize this incredible benefit that you have earned.
Kamron Kimbrough
NMLS ID1123575
Mortgage expert specializing in VA loans, committed to helping veterans achieve homeownership with personalized guidance and support.
Licensed in Alabama
Michael Dendy
NMLS ID1632279
Veterans often suffer from the misconception that buying a home is too hard. Educating veterans helps bring the reality of homeownership to life.
Jason Sharon
NMLS ID1281448
20 year Navy vet. Authored "VA Mortgages Declassified." Featured in Forbes, Yahoo Finance,, and The Hill. VA Mortgage speaker.
Clyde Penton
NMLS ID979755
Vetted VA Professional in Georgia